Wounded In Darkness
Healed In The Light! By: Latonya Green, Author
Readers of this blog have probably read many more books than I, but the ones I have read will forever remain embedded in my memory. It is on rare occasions that reader and the author have an opportunity to cross paths for what I sum up as “Divine intervention” and a “meeting along one’s journey for a reason and a season.” As it would be, such was the encounter with Ms. LaTonya G. Green, author and I.
Briefly, I met Ms. Green as a result of attending Trinity Resources Coaching Ministry in Frisco, Texas. Ms. Green and I, as she might agree are very cautious individuals, we are guarded in our interactions with people, and so it was with Ms. Green and I. Not really getting to know Ms. Green had everything to do with me. You see, unfortunately or fortunately, good, bad or indifferent, I am a very analytical and heightened instinct individual; God and body language are my forerunners. You are probably thinking, she doesn’t have many friends—sorry to inform you, but I have quite a few and I don’t take or use the word “friend” lightly.
Ms. Green and I had a brief, very brief discussion about ‘hugging” one day, and I, in my usual manner, only thought about it briefly, until I read Ms. Green’s book, “Wounded In Darkness, Healed In the Light.”
It is my sincere hope that as someone asked me to read the book and then give my opinion, I would like for you to read it and let me know what you think. Although, it may or may not have the same affect on you as it did me, simply because of our different life’s journey, but somewhere in her story you may discover similar things as I.
Although, I’m not asserting my opinion of the book, I will tell you this, I am going to purchase the book for four (4) individuals that it will assist in various ways, as it brought me to a clearer understanding of my approach to people and things and how I view them, that is, from an even more objective perspective. Believe me, it has not always been that way. I am reminded of a trip I took to Senegal, West Africa with a group of children, including my own, who won a contest because of their reading and essay writing ability. On that trip were numerous individuals from all walks of life, but I had this perception of what an intellectual individual should look like. I quickly got a grip and cancelled out that perception, as several of the individuals were professors from the University of California. Quote for the universe, "Don't judge a book by its cover." All of us have to admit our shortcomings, I realized that early on in life.
I wish Ms. Laytona G. Green much success with this book and others that she is so inspired to write, as I believe all of us should tap into our purpose for being created. Remember not to allow anyone or thing to define you, you were defined from the beginning.
Congratulations Ms. LaTonya G. Green
The book can be purchased at: http://www.amazon.com.
Ms. Latonya G. Green’s contact information:
LaTonya G. Green on http://www.facebook.com
Email: healedinthelight@yahoo.com
Your opinion of the book, email me at: wew360cherylcollins@mail.com
Cheryl Collins, Founder
Women’s Body Beautiful Audio Video Teleconference and
Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide