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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Myrtle Potter, Founder

CEO   & President
Myrtle Potter & Company, LLC

100 Women of Destiny Tele-Retreat, for March, 2011, has been 15 days of inspiring, educating, and testimony-filled, with participants worldwide sharing their experiences. The 15th day was no exception when speaker, Myrtle Potter announced her topic “Prescriptions You Won’t Find in Your Doctor’s Bag.” She was joined by her team member, Mary Stutts.  Myrtle’s thirty years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry is both impressive and inspirational.  She has earned the recognition as one of America’s foremost healthcare leaders and innovators, with no less than her accomplishments such as, President and Chief Operating Officer of Genentech, Inc., from 2000 to 2005, a period of time wherein she propelled the company to its best progression in its history. Under her leadership several breakthrough molecules, including Avastin, the world’s first antangiogenesis product for the treatment of cancer were launched.  Prior to this she was President of Bristol-Myers Squib’s $4 billon, 3,500-person United States Cardiovascular/Metabolic business.

            Now, Founder, CEO and President of Myrtle Potter & Company LLC, her faith-based ability to overcome several major adversities in her life, and her understanding, knowledge and first-hand experience of navigating through the healthcare system, Myrtle is an advocate for women, whom statistics confirm are the major components for establishing and balancing healthcare in the family which at times can be significantly overwhelming. Myrtle is also an on-air business contributor to NBC television network, including CBS and MSNBC.

            As a result of her adversities and medical challenging problems, her new company, Myrtle Potter & Company, LLC is set apart from others, in that it is dedicated to the patient and caregiver with a passionate commitment of assisting in navigating through the healthcare system. 

Myrtle promised at the beginning of the Tele-Retreat that she would share with participants, five of the “Prescriptions You Won’t Find in Your Doctor’s Bag” and they are listed below:

Ø   No matter where you are, get the best doctor, not the nicest doctor;
Ø   Answers for complex medical situations are better dealt with at university   hospitals;
Ø  As a family member any primary responsibility for care-giving, losing your temper is a losing proposition when dealing with medical staff.  You give them a reason to label you as a problem family.  “Please and thank you” go a long way with medical personnel;
Ø  Practice routine maintenance management as the caregiver, such as daily walks and doing normal tasks; and
Ø  Try to overcome concentrating on disappointment, as this will tend to shut you down in your healthcare management

What held my interest with Myrtle Potter and set her aside from everyone else, she was “REAL!”

Monday, March 14, 2011


I’ve encountered some devastating moments in my life, and I’ve been able to come to an understanding of why you must have a test, in order to have a “testimony”-- just because of how I was raised, in a faith-based environment.

  A three-story brick home, well furnished, with shiny wood banisters that my brother and I had to clean once a week.  We had a choice of either eating upstairs with our parents or downstairs with my grandparents, up until the age of 13. The house is still standing there, just a few changes to the outside, but the memories of those years still remain.  No matter where I travel   or live, when I visit that street, there’s a smile on my face by the time I leave.  Family is everything to me and I cherish being able to remember and return every now and then, if only for awhile.

So, as I watched probably every news report on CNN, both on television and the Internet, since the inception of the disaster in Japan, I will not even attempt to try and explain how the people of Japan must be copping with this situation. 

Although, in the interview with Piers Morgan, Yoko Ono said it best “they are of a resilient, strong and proud culture.”  I believe at one point she caught Piers off-guard, when she began to talk about what she hoped to one day see; new architects adding new structures to Japan.  Yoko Ono even reflected back on the earth quake she, John Lennon and her son experienced while in Tokyo.  She did what I believe my family and I would have done—she went to prayer, in a closet and coupled with her faith, the three of them emerged, I am sure with a stronger sense of being able to survive.

The question has been asked several times by various anchor news persons, “do you think the United States could handle devastation such as this and are we prepared?”  I was not surprised at the answers.  WHAT DO YOU THINK?

As for me and the Japan devastation, although I see the images, and I listen intently to the sounds, my heart cries out for the people of Japan and I pray that mercy will endure forever and faith will be their forerunner.